This video offers 100% scientific proof that there is a creator of the universe. Some skeptics may scoff and many agnostics may doubt, but there is no way possible an inhabitable planet can exist anywhere without a creator fine tuning all the necessary parameters to support life as we know it.
I ran a computer program years ago to compute the possibility of another planet anywhere in the cosmos that would support life such as ours. I used 22 parameters that are absolutely necessary for life and after several days of running the program, none was found that even had half the needed requisites. This video shows that there are many more than the 22 necessary variables than I had believed 15 years ago.
You may want to refer this video to others.

Monday, September 19, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Israel Palestine Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank
The video below is a short 6 minute explanation of the nature of the conflict over the West Bank in Israel. It covers a short history of the conflict and explains who really owns the so called "occupied" territories.
This is a very good short explanation that will clear up a lot of the false claims of the so called Palestinians.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The Grinding Down of America
How successful have they been?
View this short 6 + minute video and judge for yourself.
View this short 6 + minute video and judge for yourself.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Does YHWH Desire Compromise?
Many churches seem to support the position that things have changed and YHWH doesn’t expect us to be as rigid in our conduct and worship of Him as in olden times. We don’t seem to have any problem inviting unbelievers in to preach to our congregations. A well known Karaite Jew was invited into a Messianic congregation to speak and when I voiced my objection, the believer that sent me the notice told me “Lighten up Brick…..the times are changing and I pray you can be flexible enough to change as well.”
The times may be changing, but scripture tells us YHWH does not change (Mal 3:6). What He hated 3000 years ago, He hates today.
Does YHWH condone the mixing of the Holy (Kadosh) with the profane? What fellowship can light have with darkness?
2Co 6:15 And what concord hath the Messiah with Belial? or what part hath he that
believeth with an infidel?
How can we compromise with those things YHWH calls an abomination? Recently, the Presbyterian Church (USA) voted to ordain openly practicing homosexuals to the ministry.
YHWH calls this an abomination.
Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination .
In fact, He says they should be put to death.
Lev 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them
have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall
be upon them.
There is no stronger word than “abomination’ in the Hebrew to indicate the hatred of something. Strong’s Concordance defines it as follows:
תעבה תועבה
Feminine active participle of H8581; properly something disgusting (morally), that is, (as
noun) an abhorrence; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol: - abominable (custom, thing),
It comes from the root word ta’ab.
A primitive root; to loathe, that is, (morally) detest: - (make to be) abhor (-red), (be, commit more, do) abominable (-y), X utterly.
YHWH absolutely hates the practice of homosexuality. He hates all manner of sin, but those things He calls an abomination are especially despicable and repugnant in His eyes.
Okay, so we may not be homosexual and this doesn’t apply to us. But, what other things may we be doing that are not pleasing to YHWH? Are practices or beliefs that contain 99% truth and 1% error acceptable to Him?
YHWH says He will not share His glory (Kavod) with anyone. So is the celebrating of Christmas and Easter acceptable to YHWH? Both of these are pagan celebrations and have nothing at all to do with YHWH. Just because everyone is observing Christmas and Easter doesn’t make it acceptable to YHWH. In fact, Eze 8:16 tells us 25 men with their backs to the temple were worshiping the sun as it came up in the east. To get an idea of how He felt about it, read all of chapter 9 of Ezekiel. He had them all slain without mercy or pity. Only those who sighed and cried for all the abominations done in Jerusalem were spared.
Eze 8:16 And he brought me into the inner court of YHWH's house, and, behold, at the
door of the temple of YHWH, between the porch and the altar, were about five and
twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of YHWH, and their faces toward
the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
We know this is referring to Easter as we were told in Eze. 8:14 that women were weeping for Tammuz. This was the 40 day period of weeping, now called Lent, which preceded the supposed resurrection of Tammuz, the sun god at sunrise on Easter morning.
YHWH called these practices “wicked abominations” in Eze. 8:9 and referred to the sun rise service as an even greater abomination. This is about as strong a condemnation of this practice as can be made in the Hebrew language. YHWH absolutely abhors it.
Celebrating the pagan feast of Easter and attributing it to the resurrection of YHWH’s son Yahshua, is tantamount to expecting YHWH to share His glory with Satan. Easter was a pagan feast long before the birth of Yahshua.
Isa 42:8 I am YHWH: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another,
neither my praise to graven images.
The complete disregard of the Sabbath in favor of Sunday is the same as paying homage to the sun god. Yet, we are told that the keeping of the Sabbath was to be a sign between YHWH and His people forever (Exo 31:16-17). I wonder whose sign is the keeping of Sunday?
How about little white lies? Is it okay to tell a lie to spare some ones feelings? YHWH also calls this practice an abomination.
Pro 12:22 Lying lips are abomination to YHWH: but they that deal truly are his
What other things are abominations to YHWH?
Pro 11:1 A false balance is abomination to YHWH: but a just weight is his delight.
Deu 25:15 But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure
shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which YHWH thy
Elohim giveth thee.
Deu 25:16 For all that do such things, and all that do unrighteously, are an
abomination unto YHWH thy Elohim.
An unjust weight is theft; taking something that doesn’t belong to you, no matter how small, is still theft.
We are not to pollute our bodies by eating things that YHWH has pronounced unclean.
Lev 20:25 Ye shall therefore put difference between clean beasts and unclean, and
between unclean fowls and clean: and ye shall not make your souls abominable
by beast, or by fowl, or by any manner of living thing that creepeth on the ground,
which I have separated from you as unclean.
The unclean thing used for food is also called an abomination in Lev 11:10-42. It doesn’t matter the rationale that some use today to justify eating what YHWH has called unclean; they are unclean because He said so. We are to be a holy, set apart people unto YHWH.
Lev 20:26 And ye shall be holy unto me: for I YHWH am holy, and have severed you
from other people, that ye should be mine.
Cross dressing is called an abomination to YHWH.
Deu 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall
a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto YHWH
thy Elohim.
How about idols and graven images?
Deu 27:15 Cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, an
abomination unto YHWH, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and putteth it
in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say, so be it.
You often see little images and statues of angels and J-sus on a cross in many churches. These are all idols and are forbidden by Torah.
What is expected of us then? We are told to set a difference between the clean and the unclean, the holy and the profane. We are not to learn the way of the Heathen. We can’t mix the worship of demons with the worship of YHWH. YHWH expects us to be a Holy people totally set apart unto Him without compromise.
1Pe 1:15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of
1Pe 1:16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
The word "Holy" is kadosh in Hebrew and it means to be sanctified, made clean and set apart. YHWH does not expect us to compromise with the world, but to be set apart to Him for His purposes. If we compromise with the world, then we are no different than them.
1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of YHWH? Be
not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor
abusers of themselves with mankind,
1Co 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners,
shall inherit the kingdom of YHWH.
YHWH seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23).
Rev 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his Elohim, and he
shall be my son.
Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and
whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in
the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
We are to be different than those around us who do not know nor worship YHWH. We are not to compromise with evil and should avoid even the appearance of it. A little leaven spreads through the whole loaf. Compromise leads to more sin as we tend to become desensitized to it. We become lukewarm like the church of Laodicea of Rev 3:16 which causes the savior to want to spew us out of his mouth.
Compromise is the wide path that many are on, which leads to destruction, but the people that YHWH is looking for are those that enter in at the strait gate and are called His people - Yisrael.
Compromising with the world is not pleasing to YHWH and ruins our witness. How can we be a light to the nations if we look no different than they? Think about it.
The times may be changing, but scripture tells us YHWH does not change (Mal 3:6). What He hated 3000 years ago, He hates today.
Does YHWH condone the mixing of the Holy (Kadosh) with the profane? What fellowship can light have with darkness?
2Co 6:15 And what concord hath the Messiah with Belial? or what part hath he that
believeth with an infidel?
How can we compromise with those things YHWH calls an abomination? Recently, the Presbyterian Church (USA) voted to ordain openly practicing homosexuals to the ministry.
YHWH calls this an abomination.
Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination .
In fact, He says they should be put to death.
Lev 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them
have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall
be upon them.
There is no stronger word than “abomination’ in the Hebrew to indicate the hatred of something. Strong’s Concordance defines it as follows:
תעבה תועבה
to‛ebah to‛ebah
to-ay-baw', to-ay-baw'Feminine active participle of H8581; properly something disgusting (morally), that is, (as
noun) an abhorrence; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol: - abominable (custom, thing),
It comes from the root word ta’ab.
taw-ab'A primitive root; to loathe, that is, (morally) detest: - (make to be) abhor (-red), (be, commit more, do) abominable (-y), X utterly.
YHWH absolutely hates the practice of homosexuality. He hates all manner of sin, but those things He calls an abomination are especially despicable and repugnant in His eyes.
Okay, so we may not be homosexual and this doesn’t apply to us. But, what other things may we be doing that are not pleasing to YHWH? Are practices or beliefs that contain 99% truth and 1% error acceptable to Him?
YHWH says He will not share His glory (Kavod) with anyone. So is the celebrating of Christmas and Easter acceptable to YHWH? Both of these are pagan celebrations and have nothing at all to do with YHWH. Just because everyone is observing Christmas and Easter doesn’t make it acceptable to YHWH. In fact, Eze 8:16 tells us 25 men with their backs to the temple were worshiping the sun as it came up in the east. To get an idea of how He felt about it, read all of chapter 9 of Ezekiel. He had them all slain without mercy or pity. Only those who sighed and cried for all the abominations done in Jerusalem were spared.
Eze 8:16 And he brought me into the inner court of YHWH's house, and, behold, at the
door of the temple of YHWH, between the porch and the altar, were about five and
twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of YHWH, and their faces toward
the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
We know this is referring to Easter as we were told in Eze. 8:14 that women were weeping for Tammuz. This was the 40 day period of weeping, now called Lent, which preceded the supposed resurrection of Tammuz, the sun god at sunrise on Easter morning.
YHWH called these practices “wicked abominations” in Eze. 8:9 and referred to the sun rise service as an even greater abomination. This is about as strong a condemnation of this practice as can be made in the Hebrew language. YHWH absolutely abhors it.
Celebrating the pagan feast of Easter and attributing it to the resurrection of YHWH’s son Yahshua, is tantamount to expecting YHWH to share His glory with Satan. Easter was a pagan feast long before the birth of Yahshua.
Isa 42:8 I am YHWH: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another,
neither my praise to graven images.
The complete disregard of the Sabbath in favor of Sunday is the same as paying homage to the sun god. Yet, we are told that the keeping of the Sabbath was to be a sign between YHWH and His people forever (Exo 31:16-17). I wonder whose sign is the keeping of Sunday?
How about little white lies? Is it okay to tell a lie to spare some ones feelings? YHWH also calls this practice an abomination.
Pro 12:22 Lying lips are abomination to YHWH: but they that deal truly are his
What other things are abominations to YHWH?
Pro 11:1 A false balance is abomination to YHWH: but a just weight is his delight.
Deu 25:15 But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure
shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which YHWH thy
Elohim giveth thee.
Deu 25:16 For all that do such things, and all that do unrighteously, are an
abomination unto YHWH thy Elohim.
An unjust weight is theft; taking something that doesn’t belong to you, no matter how small, is still theft.
We are not to pollute our bodies by eating things that YHWH has pronounced unclean.
Lev 20:25 Ye shall therefore put difference between clean beasts and unclean, and
between unclean fowls and clean: and ye shall not make your souls abominable
by beast, or by fowl, or by any manner of living thing that creepeth on the ground,
which I have separated from you as unclean.
The unclean thing used for food is also called an abomination in Lev 11:10-42. It doesn’t matter the rationale that some use today to justify eating what YHWH has called unclean; they are unclean because He said so. We are to be a holy, set apart people unto YHWH.
Lev 20:26 And ye shall be holy unto me: for I YHWH am holy, and have severed you
from other people, that ye should be mine.
Cross dressing is called an abomination to YHWH.
Deu 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall
a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto YHWH
thy Elohim.
How about idols and graven images?
Deu 27:15 Cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, an
abomination unto YHWH, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and putteth it
in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say, so be it.
You often see little images and statues of angels and J-sus on a cross in many churches. These are all idols and are forbidden by Torah.
What is expected of us then? We are told to set a difference between the clean and the unclean, the holy and the profane. We are not to learn the way of the Heathen. We can’t mix the worship of demons with the worship of YHWH. YHWH expects us to be a Holy people totally set apart unto Him without compromise.
1Pe 1:15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of
1Pe 1:16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
The word "Holy" is kadosh in Hebrew and it means to be sanctified, made clean and set apart. YHWH does not expect us to compromise with the world, but to be set apart to Him for His purposes. If we compromise with the world, then we are no different than them.
1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of YHWH? Be
not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor
abusers of themselves with mankind,
1Co 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners,
shall inherit the kingdom of YHWH.
YHWH seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23).
Rev 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his Elohim, and he
shall be my son.
Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and
whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in
the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
We are to be different than those around us who do not know nor worship YHWH. We are not to compromise with evil and should avoid even the appearance of it. A little leaven spreads through the whole loaf. Compromise leads to more sin as we tend to become desensitized to it. We become lukewarm like the church of Laodicea of Rev 3:16 which causes the savior to want to spew us out of his mouth.
Compromise is the wide path that many are on, which leads to destruction, but the people that YHWH is looking for are those that enter in at the strait gate and are called His people - Yisrael.
Compromising with the world is not pleasing to YHWH and ruins our witness. How can we be a light to the nations if we look no different than they? Think about it.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Are the True Names of YHWH and Yahshua Important?
I am often asked why is it important to use the set apart (kodesh) names of the Father and
His Son instead of the generic names many call them today. Why can’t we just call them
anything we want to and hope they understand? Suppose that everyone decided that we
would start calling our savior Herbie. Would you feel comfortable praying to The Father
in Herbie’s name? Or what if they decided to call the Father, the great Kahuna?
Isn’t this essentially what has happened many years ago when the Greek, Latin and
English translators of the Hebrew Scriptures wrote in false names for the Father and His
Son? They didn’t use the title “great Kahuna” which is actually a corruption of the words
“great priest (Cohen). But they did decide to call them “The Lord and Jesus”
respectively. I wonder who was behind this. Who would benefit from hiding the name
one would call upon for salvation? Do I smell sulfur?
The translators took it upon themselves to substitute a title (the Lord) almost 7,000 times
in Scripture for the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) which represents the Father’s self declared
name. Any good concordance will show this to be true. Look at the underlying Hebrew
text and you will see the letters YHWH, pronounced Yahweh wherever you see the
substituted words “the Lord”. Consider the following scriptures:
Jer 23:26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea,
they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;
Jer 23:27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which
they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name
for Baal.
And in Hosea:
Hos 2:16 And in that day, says Yahweh, you will say to me, Ishi; (husband) and you will
never again give me the name of Baali; (My Lord)
Hos 2:17 For I will take away the names of the Baals out of her mouth, and never again
will she say their names. (This is at Yahshua’s return)
Look it up in your Strong’s concordance. One of the definitions of the word “Ba’al” is
From H1166; a master; hence a husband, or (figuratively) owner (often used with another noun in modifications of this latter sense: - + archer, + babbler, + bird, captain, chief man, +
confederate, + have to do, + dreamer, those to whom it is due, + furious, those that are given to it, great, + hairy, he that hath it, have, + horseman, husband, lord, man, + married, master, person, + sworn, they of.
And in the BDB Hebrew Dictionary:
BDB Definition:
Baal = “lord”
1) supreme male divinity of the Phoenicians or Canaanites (noun proper
Now do you still feel comfortable calling YHWH Baal? Remember the prophets of Baal in
1 Kgs 18?
1Ki 18:21 And EliYah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two
opinions? if YHWH be Elohim, follow him: but if the Baal, then follow him. And
the people answered him not a word.
Which one do you follow? YHWH or Baal (the lord)?
The consort of Baal was Ashtaroth, Ishtar, Oestre, Astarte, Isis, Venus, Diana, the Queen
of Heaven and a whole host of other names. You may recognize Oestre and Ishtar which
is where we get the word “Easter”. She was also known as the Queen of Heaven, the wife
of Ba’al. (The Virgin Mary is also referred to as the Queen of Heaven). Remember all
the Asheroth that the Hebrews were always erecting on the high places? Probably not, as
many translations cloak the meaning by calling them “groves”. YHWH sent Israel and
Judah into captivity for continuing to construct the Asheroth poles to the fertility
goddess (Ashtarte) on the high places and worshipping Baal. So who are we really
honoring now when we call YHWH “the Lord”? My money would be on Satan.
There are many scriptures that show us that YHWH is the name of our Elohim
(erroneously called God). God is also the name of a pagan deity and we find its name in
Isa 65:11.
Isa 65:11 But ye are they that forsake YHWH, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number.
Don’t see god mentioned anywhere here? Well, it’s because it is hidden by the
translators. Let’s examine it with Strong’s numbers:
Isa 65:11 But ye 859 are they that forsake 5800 the LORD, 3068 that forget 7913 (853) my holy 6944 mountain,2022 that prepare 6186 a table 7979 for that troop, 1408 and that furnish 4390 the drink offering 4469 unto that number. 4507 (KJV)
Let’s peel away the deception here. First of all, where you see “the LORD” written above,
note the Strong’s # 3068 beside it. Let’s look at Strong’s # 3068 and see what our
concordances tell us is the Hebrew meaning of that word:
BDB Definition:
Jehovah = “the existing One”
1) the proper name of the one true God
The proper pronunciation is Yahweh as the word “hovah” means ruin and destruction.
And there is no “J” in the Hebrew alef-bet. The “hovah” part was the result of the
Masoretic vowel pointing of the Tetragrammaton YHWH with the vowel points for
“Adonai”. This was to cue the Jews to not pronounce the sacred name, but to say Adonai
instead. The translators didn’t understand that, hence they translated it “Jehovah”.
Let’s look at the word translated “that troop”. It is Strong’s # 1408.
BDB Definition:
Gad = “god of fortune”
1) a Babylonian deity
The above (Gad) is pronounced “god” and is the pagan deity of fortune or luck. I suppose
this is where we get the expression “good luck”. So here it is, we find that the word “god”
is the name of a pagan deity. It is also the name of a pagan German deity (Gott) used as a
surname for Odin, which is probably how it came to us in English.
So looking at the rest of the verse, what does “that number” (Strong’s # 4507) mean?
BDB Definition:
Meni = “fate” or “fortune”
1) god of fate who the Jews worshipped in Babylonia
The cover up just continues on and on.
Let’s look at a few more scriptures that indicate YHWH’s name is important.
Jer 16:19 O YHWH, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.
Jer 16:20 Shall a man make elohim unto himself, and they are no elohim?
Jer 16:21 Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is YHWH.
And these...…
Jer 23:26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;
Jer 23:27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which
they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for
Can you see how this relates to Jer 16:21 above, that our fathers have inherited lies and in
Jer 23:26 it reminds them that the prophets (preachers, Pastors) have preached lies and
made their flock forget the name of YHWH and instead call Him Baal (the Lord)?
Eze 39:6 And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am YHWH.
Eze 39:7 So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am YHWH, the Holy One in Israel.
Note, this is during the day of YHWH when He sends a fire upon Magog. People are
now, and still will be polluting His kadosh name until that day. So if people are polluting
His kadosh name now, what are they calling Him?
Isa 42:8 I am YHWH: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.
Wonder why He didn’t say His name is “the Lord”? Of course, that is exactly what it says in most translations which is the reason why most people still use the false names.
Exo 3:15 And Elohim said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, YHWH Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the
Elohim of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my
memorial unto all generations.
His name still hasn’t changed and never will.
Isa 47:4 As for our redeemer, YHWH of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel.
Again, it does not say His name is “The Lord” (or Baal) except in your corrupted
Hos 2:16 And it shall be at that day, saith YHWH, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali.
Hos 2:17 For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.
Baalim just means “Lords”. Yahweh will take those names out of Israel’s mouth. By the
way, the Book of Hosea is written exclusively to the House of Israel.
Mic 4:5 For all people will walk every one in the name of his elohim, and we will walk in the name of YHWH our Elohim for ever and ever .
For ever and ever means throughout all eternity. Now read carefully the next verse.
Joe 2:32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of YHWH
shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as YHWH
hath said, and in the remnant whom YHWH shall call.
But that is “Old Testament”. Okay, let’s see if it is in the New Testament.
Act 2:21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of YHWH
shall be saved.
And again….
Rom 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of YHWH shall be saved.
How can one call upon the NAME of YHWH if he doesn’t know it?
Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under
heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Do you think calling upon the name of “Herbie” or any other false name will get it?
Actually, Herbie would be derived from the Teutonic deity “Her or Er” . Her-gott was the
great thunder deity. So Scripture is pretty clear here that the name YHWH/YAHshua are
the names called upon for salvation, not Herbie, Lord, Jesus or god (as there are many of
these). You may say “well, he knows who I mean” – really? What do your actions say? Do
you observe Easter, Xmas, Valentines Day, Halloween, or hallow Sunday as your
Sabbath? All of these are Satan’s pagan counterfeits and are the equivalent of mixing the
kadosh (holy) with the profane.
The scripture above in Acts 4:12 speaks of the savior, Yahshua, whose name means the
“Salvation of Yahweh”. Yahshua’s name has also been horribly corrupted over the past
2,000 years. There was never anyone called “Jesus” before the 1500’s when the letter “J”
was invented. Prior to that, he was called Iesous by the Greeks. Iesous is a Greek
corruption of the Hebrew name Yahshua. Names are normally transliterated, not
transmogrified. For example, George Bush would be called George Bush in any country
in which he traveled. He would not be called Jorge Arbusto in Spain or Mexico, but by
the English pronunciation of his name. The same should have been done for our savior’s
Here is how the false name “Jesus” was derived from the Hebrew “Yahshua”. There is no
“Y” sound in the Greek, so they used the closest sound to that which was iota-eta
pronounced “ee -eh”. Next, there is no “sh” sound in the Greek, so they used “sigma” to
give an “s” sound. Finally, there was a problem using the “ua” ending of Yahshua’s
name. It is feminine and all Greek masculine names end in “us”. So the name became
“Iesous” (Iesus in Latin). Then in the 1500’s a little hook was added to the “I” and it
became a “J”. So now we have Jesus.
However, in English all the Hebrew letters in Yahshua’s name CAN be pronounced. So
one has to ask, why was the Greek rendering used instead of the Hebrew sound of his
Joh 5:43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in
his own name, him ye will receive.
Yahshua came in His Father’s name (YAH shua). Yah is the short poetic form of Yahweh.
Whose name is in Jesus? The “us” endings of masculine Greek names is in honor of Zeus.
So is he coming in the name of Zeus? You decide.
When Yahshua rode into Jerusalem, the people took palm branches and laid them in his
Joh 12:13 Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna:
Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of YHWH.
The King of Israel came in the NAME of YHWH, not Zeus. Another thing about the name
“Jesus”; in Spanish it is pronounced “Hey soos”. Those are two Hebrew words, “hey”
means “the” and “Soos” means “Horse”. So he is hearing them call him “the horse”.
Is this very honoring to our savior to be called names sounding like Zeus or the horse?
Once a person knows the true name of an individual, it is an act of gross disrespect to call
him anything other than his true name. There is a more compelling reason to use the
proper names that were revealed to us in Scripture. It is part of the Ten Commandments.
Exo 20:7 Thou shalt not take the name of YHWH thy Elohim in vain; for YHWH will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Most people think this means swearing in His name, but it is much more than that.
Besides, most people don’t really swear in His name at all, but use some substitute like
“god”. Let’s break down the word meanings above into their Hebrew components as the
Ten Commandments were originally written in Hebrew.
Lo tisa et-shem-YAHUWEH Eloh lashav ki lo yenakeh YAHUWEH et asher-yisa et-shmo
A literal translation of the above would be as follows:
“Thou shalt not lift up the name of Yahweh your Elohim falsely, for Yahweh will not
make him clean who lifts up His name falsely.” The word translated “vain” in Hebrew is
“sh’va”. It is Strong’s # 7723.
שו / שוא
shav' / shav
BDB Definition:
1) emptiness, vanity, falsehood
1a) emptiness, nothingness, vanity
1b) emptiness of speech, lying
1c) worthlessness (of conduct)
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: from the same as H7722 in the sense
of desolating or ruin.
So when one refers to him as “god” or “Lord”, they are using His name falsely and are
bringing it to ruin and emptiness. To use these pagan names is a violation of this 3rd
Commandment. His name represents His character and we are not to diminish it in any
way through misuse or as a lie. He will not share His Kavod (glory) with any.
Here is another reason we should use the true name of the Father and hence, the Son.
Mal 3:16 Then they that feared YHWH spake often one to another: and YHWH hearkened,
and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared
YHWH, and that thought upon his name .
Mal 3:17 And they shall be mine, saith YHWH of hosts, in that day when I make up my
jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him
Whose name do you think upon?
Whose name do you want written on your forehead? Hint - it sure won’t be Jesus, God or
the Lord.
Rev 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my Elohim, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my Elohim, and the name of the city of my Elohim, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my
Elohim: and I will write upon him my new name.
Rev 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.
Rev 22:3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of YHWH and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:
Rev 22:4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.
Yahshua is not going to marry a bride that doesn’t even know his name. The bride of
Messiah will be keeping all the commandments of YHWH including the Sabbath, using
the true names, observing the Feasts of YHWH and keeping the clean food laws. They
will obey Him and they will make up the bride the Father chooses for His Son. He will
not choose a pork eating, Sabbath violating, Commandment breaking, Pagan feast
(Easter) observing, disrespectful, and unclean harlot bride for His dearly beloved son.
The choice is yours…. Herbie or Yahshua?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Two Resurrections
This video is a little longer than the ones I normally post, but I feel it is important to our understanding of the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20:11-12) and who will be there. This is a commonly misunderstood passage of scripture.
Is it the end of the line for all those there or are some given a second chance according to their deeds of entering into the kingdom of Yahshua?
Rev 20:11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
Rev 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before YHWH; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
This takes place at the end of the millennium and is the second resurrection of the dead. Those who did not make the first resurrection of the kadosh (righteous set apart) ones will be included in this resurrection.
The following video is presented by brother Lew White and is an excellent teaching on the Two Resurrections.. It is well worth watching and I believe you will be blessed by it.
Is it the end of the line for all those there or are some given a second chance according to their deeds of entering into the kingdom of Yahshua?
Rev 20:11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
Rev 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before YHWH; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
This takes place at the end of the millennium and is the second resurrection of the dead. Those who did not make the first resurrection of the kadosh (righteous set apart) ones will be included in this resurrection.
The following video is presented by brother Lew White and is an excellent teaching on the Two Resurrections.. It is well worth watching and I believe you will be blessed by it.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Are We Eating Meats Sacrificed to Idols?
Due to the large population of Muslims living in the U.S. today, many industries are emerging that serve meat that is slaughtered according to Muslim law. It is called “Halal” or “lawful” for the Muslim to eat. It is meat that is slaughtered according to strict guidelines of Muslim law such as the animal is faced toward Mecca (the east) and has the “bismillah” (name of Allah) pronounced over it. In other words, it is meat offered to Allah.
Shouldn’t believers in Yahshua Ha Moshiach refrain from eating meat sacrificed to idols? We know that no idol represents YHWH, so the one the idol represents is obvious. We are told in Acts 15:29 and 21:25 to avoid eating meats sacrificed to idols.
Although according to Paul in 1 Cor. 10:19-25, meat sacrificed to idols is meat sacrificed to devils.
But if we unknowingly eat of meat sacrificed to idols, it will not harm us.
However, if we are aware that it was meat sacrificed to idols or devils, then we should not eat of it.
But then Paul adds:
He seems to conclude that even though he knows it is offered to an idol, it would be lawful for him to eat. This seems to conflict with Luke’s warning in Acts 15:29 that we should abstain from meats offered to idols. I’ll leave it up to you to decide for yourself. But for me personally, if I know it is meat offered up to an idol or devil, I will not partake of it.
There are certain symbols proclaiming that food is “Halal”. These all proclaim that the food has been sacrificed according to Sharia law. All have had the name of Allah pronounced over them.
Please watch this short video by Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries
Are you eating food sacrificed to idols? from El Shaddai Ministries on Vimeo.
I think I will take Mark's advice.
Brick Parrish
Shouldn’t believers in Yahshua Ha Moshiach refrain from eating meat sacrificed to idols? We know that no idol represents YHWH, so the one the idol represents is obvious. We are told in Acts 15:29 and 21:25 to avoid eating meats sacrificed to idols.
Act 15:28 For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Act 15:29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.
Act 15:29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.
Although according to Paul in 1 Cor. 10:19-25, meat sacrificed to idols is meat sacrificed to devils.
1Co 10:19 What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing?
1Co 10:20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to Elohim: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
1Co 10:21 Ye cannot drink the cup of YHWH, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of YHWH's table, and of the table of devils.
1Co 10:20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to Elohim: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
1Co 10:21 Ye cannot drink the cup of YHWH, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of YHWH's table, and of the table of devils.
But if we unknowingly eat of meat sacrificed to idols, it will not harm us.
1Co 10:25 Whatsoever is sold in the shambles (meat market), that eat, asking no question for conscience sake:
1Co 10:26 For the earth is YHWH's, and the fulness thereof.
1Co 10:27 If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake.
1Co 10:26 For the earth is YHWH's, and the fulness thereof.
1Co 10:27 If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake.
However, if we are aware that it was meat sacrificed to idols or devils, then we should not eat of it.
1Co 10:28 But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth is YHWH's, and the fulness thereof:
But then Paul adds:
1Co 10:29 Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another man's conscience?
He seems to conclude that even though he knows it is offered to an idol, it would be lawful for him to eat. This seems to conflict with Luke’s warning in Acts 15:29 that we should abstain from meats offered to idols. I’ll leave it up to you to decide for yourself. But for me personally, if I know it is meat offered up to an idol or devil, I will not partake of it.
There are certain symbols proclaiming that food is “Halal”. These all proclaim that the food has been sacrificed according to Sharia law. All have had the name of Allah pronounced over them.
Please watch this short video by Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries
Are you eating food sacrificed to idols? from El Shaddai Ministries on Vimeo.
I think I will take Mark's advice.
Brick Parrish
Thursday, January 20, 2011
How Important is Your Name to You?
Have you ever been introduced to someone and 15 minutes later they have forgotten your
name. Have you ever met someone and they persisted in calling you by a name that isn’t
yours? How did that make you feel?
How important is it to have your correct name on vitally important documents, such as
the deed to your home, car, pay check, savings account or your medical chart?
How do you think our heavenly Father feels when his name has been replaced in the bible
almost 7,000 times by the phrase “The Lord?” Or how does He feel when you refer to
Him as “God?” Both of these titles come from paganism. He tells us many times in
scripture how important His name is and that He doesn’t like being called by pagan titles.
Jer 23:26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies?
yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;
Jer 23:27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which
they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for
Referring to the Brown-Driver-Briggs’ Concordance, we find that one definition of the
word “Baal” is “Lord”.
BDB Definition:
Baal = “lord”
Do we really feel comfortable referring to YHWH as Baal? How does YHWH feel about
our calling Him “God?” It can readily be shown that this word also comes from
paganism. It is the word substituted for the Hebrew word “Elohim.”
Isa 65:11 But ye are they that forsake YHWH, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number.
The Hebrew word translated “that troop” is “gad”. The Massoretes vowel pointed
it to be pronounced as gad, but we find other scriptures where the word is vowel pointed
to be pronounced “god”. An example is Jos. 11:17 where we find “Baal God” or “lord
god”. Most scholars agree that gad refers to the Canaanite pagan deity of luck or fortune.
Could this be the origin of the common phrase “Good Luck”?
BDB Definition:
Gad = “god of fortune”
Gad is usually identified with Jupiter by astrologers. Alexander Hislop in his book “The
Two Babylons” identifies gad as the Sun deity. He goes on to say that the name Gad is
applicable to Nimrod. We also find that “gott” or “god” was also the name of a Teutonic
deity. It was used to refer to the false deity Odin. C.J. Koster writes “We further found
“Goda” as a proper name of an idol. Moreover, the same author (quoting Jacob Grimm,
Teutonic Mythology) relates how Wodan the name of the highest god also called Wotan
and Odan, was also called Godan.”
Scripture tells us in numerous places that the name of YHWH is Holy (Qodesh - set
apart- sacred) and we are not to profane it.
1Ch 16:10 Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek YHWH.
Lev 22:32 Neither shall ye profane my holy name; but I will be hallowed among the children of Israel: I am YHWH which hallow you
Psa 33:20 Our soul waiteth for YHWH: he is our help and our shield.
Psa 33:21 For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name.
Psa 145:21 My mouth shall speak the praise of YHWH: and let all flesh bless his Holy name for ever and ever.
This is only a few of the numerous scriptures that indicate that the name of YHWH is
very important for us to use. How can one bless and praise His Holy name if one does not
utter it? We are told in scripture that we are guilty of profaning the Holy name of
Eze 36:17 Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their own way and by their doings: their way was before me as the uncleanness of a removed woman.
Eze 36:18 Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land, and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it:
Eze 36:19 And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were dispersed through the countries: according to their way and according to their doings I judged them.
Eze 36:20 And when they entered unto the heathen, whither they went, they profaned my holy name, when they said to them, These are the people of YHWH, and are gone forth out of his land.
Eze 36:21 But I had pity for mine holy name , which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went.
Eze 36:22 Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Master YHWH; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake , which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.
Eze 36:23 And I will sanctify my great name , which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am YHWH, saith the Master YHWH, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes.
Many will say it isn’t important what name we call Him because He knows who we
mean. But the above scriptures seem to disagree. The Muslims and many other pagan
religions also call their deity “God”. Why should we call out Elohim that?
Eze 44:23 And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane , and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.
We know that the name of YHWH is Holy and that the names of pagan deities are
profane. Brown-Driver-Briggs define the Hebrew word translated profane as follows:
BDB Definition:
1) profaneness, commonness, unholy, profane, common, sand
Is YHWH’s name “common?” Isn’t calling Him by a ‘common’ pagan title mixing the
Holy and the profane? Isn’t that the same as bringing His name to naught or in a false
Exo 20:7 Thou shalt not take the name of YHWH thy Elohim in vain; for YHWH will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
The word Hebrew word translated “vain” is “shav”
BDB Definition:
1) emptiness, vanity, falsehood
1a) emptiness, nothingness, vanity
1b) emptiness of speech, lying
1c) worthlessness (of conduct)
1Co 8:4 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other Elohim but one.
1Co 8:5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and masters many,)
1Co 8:6 But to us there is but one Elohim, the Father , of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Master Yahushua the Messiah, by whom are all things, and we by him.
So, is it fair to assume then that since these false gods are nothing, then by calling our
Elohim (YHWH) by the titles and names of any false god, is also bringing his name to
There are many scriptures that indicate that YHWH is zealous for His Holy name. His
name is also in the name of our Messiah, Y’shua. Shouldn’t we also be zealous for the
only name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved?
There are so many scriptures that state that YHWH’s name is very important, it is hard to
do justice to the subject. However, I wanted to keep this as short as possible and concede
that there are many other scriptures I could have used to prove this. Perhaps, this might
provoke others to do a scripture study on the words “holy name”.
One final question on the importance of names. Would you want some other name or title
written into the Book of Life in place of your true name? I think the answer is obvious.
So why don’t we make sure we honor our heavenly Father by using His proper name
when we refer or pray to Him? We are much more solid ground by doing so.
Selah – (stop and think about it.)
name. Have you ever met someone and they persisted in calling you by a name that isn’t
yours? How did that make you feel?
How important is it to have your correct name on vitally important documents, such as
the deed to your home, car, pay check, savings account or your medical chart?
How do you think our heavenly Father feels when his name has been replaced in the bible
almost 7,000 times by the phrase “The Lord?” Or how does He feel when you refer to
Him as “God?” Both of these titles come from paganism. He tells us many times in
scripture how important His name is and that He doesn’t like being called by pagan titles.
Jer 23:26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies?
yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;
Jer 23:27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which
they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for
Referring to the Brown-Driver-Briggs’ Concordance, we find that one definition of the
word “Baal” is “Lord”.
ba‛alBDB Definition:
Baal = “lord”
Do we really feel comfortable referring to YHWH as Baal? How does YHWH feel about
our calling Him “God?” It can readily be shown that this word also comes from
paganism. It is the word substituted for the Hebrew word “Elohim.”
Isa 65:11 But ye are they that forsake YHWH, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number.
The Hebrew word translated “that troop” is “gad”. The Massoretes vowel pointed
it to be pronounced as gad, but we find other scriptures where the word is vowel pointed
to be pronounced “god”. An example is Jos. 11:17 where we find “Baal God” or “lord
god”. Most scholars agree that gad refers to the Canaanite pagan deity of luck or fortune.
Could this be the origin of the common phrase “Good Luck”?
gadBDB Definition:
Gad = “god of fortune”
Gad is usually identified with Jupiter by astrologers. Alexander Hislop in his book “The
Two Babylons” identifies gad as the Sun deity. He goes on to say that the name Gad is
applicable to Nimrod. We also find that “gott” or “god” was also the name of a Teutonic
deity. It was used to refer to the false deity Odin. C.J. Koster writes “We further found
“Goda” as a proper name of an idol. Moreover, the same author (quoting Jacob Grimm,
Teutonic Mythology) relates how Wodan the name of the highest god also called Wotan
and Odan, was also called Godan.”
Scripture tells us in numerous places that the name of YHWH is Holy (Qodesh - set
apart- sacred) and we are not to profane it.
1Ch 16:10 Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek YHWH.
Lev 22:32 Neither shall ye profane my holy name; but I will be hallowed among the children of Israel: I am YHWH which hallow you
Psa 33:20 Our soul waiteth for YHWH: he is our help and our shield.
Psa 33:21 For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name.
Psa 145:21 My mouth shall speak the praise of YHWH: and let all flesh bless his Holy name for ever and ever.
This is only a few of the numerous scriptures that indicate that the name of YHWH is
very important for us to use. How can one bless and praise His Holy name if one does not
utter it? We are told in scripture that we are guilty of profaning the Holy name of
Eze 36:17 Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their own way and by their doings: their way was before me as the uncleanness of a removed woman.
Eze 36:18 Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land, and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it:
Eze 36:19 And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were dispersed through the countries: according to their way and according to their doings I judged them.
Eze 36:20 And when they entered unto the heathen, whither they went, they profaned my holy name, when they said to them, These are the people of YHWH, and are gone forth out of his land.
Eze 36:21 But I had pity for mine holy name , which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went.
Eze 36:22 Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Master YHWH; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake , which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.
Eze 36:23 And I will sanctify my great name , which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am YHWH, saith the Master YHWH, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes.
Many will say it isn’t important what name we call Him because He knows who we
mean. But the above scriptures seem to disagree. The Muslims and many other pagan
religions also call their deity “God”. Why should we call out Elohim that?
Eze 44:23 And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane , and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.
We know that the name of YHWH is Holy and that the names of pagan deities are
profane. Brown-Driver-Briggs define the Hebrew word translated profane as follows:
cholBDB Definition:
1) profaneness, commonness, unholy, profane, common, sand
Is YHWH’s name “common?” Isn’t calling Him by a ‘common’ pagan title mixing the
Holy and the profane? Isn’t that the same as bringing His name to naught or in a false
Exo 20:7 Thou shalt not take the name of YHWH thy Elohim in vain; for YHWH will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
The word Hebrew word translated “vain” is “shav”
שו / שוא
shav' / shavBDB Definition:
1) emptiness, vanity, falsehood
1a) emptiness, nothingness, vanity
1b) emptiness of speech, lying
1c) worthlessness (of conduct)
1Co 8:4 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other Elohim but one.
1Co 8:5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and masters many,)
1Co 8:6 But to us there is but one Elohim, the Father , of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Master Yahushua the Messiah, by whom are all things, and we by him.
So, is it fair to assume then that since these false gods are nothing, then by calling our
Elohim (YHWH) by the titles and names of any false god, is also bringing his name to
There are many scriptures that indicate that YHWH is zealous for His Holy name. His
name is also in the name of our Messiah, Y’shua. Shouldn’t we also be zealous for the
only name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved?
There are so many scriptures that state that YHWH’s name is very important, it is hard to
do justice to the subject. However, I wanted to keep this as short as possible and concede
that there are many other scriptures I could have used to prove this. Perhaps, this might
provoke others to do a scripture study on the words “holy name”.
One final question on the importance of names. Would you want some other name or title
written into the Book of Life in place of your true name? I think the answer is obvious.
So why don’t we make sure we honor our heavenly Father by using His proper name
when we refer or pray to Him? We are much more solid ground by doing so.
Selah – (stop and think about it.)
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